Wednesday 29 April 2009

Hey and welcome to the second edition of THE BOOK REPORT. I’m your host, EuGeNeRoCkS, and once again I’ll be bringing you everything you need to catch up with the book world.

Australian Fantasy writer Garth Nix has two more books announced for the wildly popular THE OLD KINDOM trilogy (or should that now be series?) The first of the new books is titled Clariel: The Lost Abhorsen and is expected in 2010. The second currently has no announced title and is expected in 2011. Just to keep you up to date, the final book in The Keys To The Kingdom series is expected at July the earliest and September the latest.

A sketch of The House for Garth Nix’s latest series: The Keys To The Kingdom. Is should be noted though that according to Garth Nix “It's not a very satisfactory sketch in many ways, because the House is actually more complex and I'd need some sort of three-dimensional projection to show this.”

In even more Twilight news, a release date for the third Twilight movie, Eclipse, has been set for June, 30, 2010. Won’t it be hilarious if the second one bombs?

The cover for Guinness World Records 2010 has been released. It bears the subtitle THE BOOK OF THE DECADE suggesting it’s going to be something big.

Interviews with Garth Nix are at and They’re both terribly out of date (The first one about two years and the second one about seven) but they’re still interesting reads nonetheless.

Title: Mortal Engines
Author: Philip Reeve
Genre: Sci-Fi
Age Recommendation: Ages 12 and up (does contain quite a lot of violence and depressing themes. Not particularly hard to read, but not very easy ever. A fairly long book.)

Mortal Engines is a depressing book, no denying that. If you’re looking for a light hearted read that will make you sing and dance, then look elsewhere. I mean, the book is set in a post apocalyptic wasteland after a fabled sixty minute war, where nearly the entire of human civilisation was wiped out in an hour. And the girl that the main character falls in love with is on an assassination attempt, and also has a sword cut running right along her face. That too.

The books main character is Tom, your normal everyday boy who dreams of adventures, until he encounters Hester. Then he doesn’t have dreams about adventures. He has nightmares about adventures.

This book is genius. Pure genius. And after I’ve said that I might as well give Mortal Engines a rating and end this review. But this is The Book Report your reading, and that’s not how we do business.

People should be warned before reading it that it’s kind of a long book, but for people like me, that’s no bad thing. But really, the story just takes so many twists and turns and churns out one ingenious plot device, one brilliant character, and one awesome setting after the other that you never want it to end. Indeed, if there is one complaint that I have with this book, it is that it ends just as the relationship between Tom and Hester gets interesting. But that’s what sequels are for!!!

I don’t know about other editions, but the edition I read was small, but the words were just big enough to my liking, which I guess is a major plus when you’re trying to immerse yourself in the author’s world.

And on a final note I would like to add that this is actual proper Sci-Fi that kids and adults can read!!!! None of that overly simply stuff that people say is good for all ages but is actually a piece of @#$@. No, this is proper Sci-Fi for young adults, and that’s something that is much too much of a rarity in this genre nowadays.
Rating: 9.4

See Ya!!!!

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